
I'm curious about package services🧐

Hello, this is PixelPlus.
We are pleased to announce the launch of our package service, which allows you to bundle various products into one package for a discounted price!
Check out our guide to using packages below!

Buyer's Guide

Buy a Package

Navigation Page - Package Deals
On the Explore page, you can see the discount rate and sale period for the package deal you want to purchase.
Packages are sold as individual licenses, so you can purchase only the package of the license you want.
Libraries - Purchased Licenses - Packaged Offers
You can see which packages you've purchased.
You can select a package and register your project all at once.
Click on a purchased package in the list to see its details.
Confirming the purchase of only one item in a package will confirm the purchase of the entire package.
When downloading, please download each product you want to download!

Merchant guide

Register to sell packages

Listing a product - selling as a package
You can sell up to 30 products in one package!

Setting up permissions

Set up licenses - Select the licenses you want to sell
Packaged products can only be sold with one license per package!
If you want to sell a package with multiple licenses, please register packages with different licenses.
Select at least two products that you want to package and sell.
You can only select products from the same subscription.
Please attach any additional files you'd like to provide for package buyers (optional)
Package-only perks can make your products more competitive!
Please fill in the package sale period and discount information.
The product is active based on the start date of the package's sales period.
If you select Open immediately after review approval, then sales will start at the time of review approval.
(Review completed within 1-3 days from the date of application)
You can set it differently as a package-wide discount or a discount per item price.
Each unit of discount is a percentage discount, and a circle discount allows you to set the desired discount from 0 to 100% for a percentage discount.
A one-dollar discount can discount the entire package by any amount, from zero to the cost of the item.
For individual product discounts, you can set a percentage off each product, or a price you want to discount.
You can see the packaged products that you're authorized to sell in your profile, separated from your regular products.