PixelPlus has Personal License, Group License, Group Unlimited License, and Tutorials.
The Personal License, Group License, and Group Unlimited License are all available for commercial use.
Personal License
Allows 1 person to use
Register unlimited projects
No duplicate purchases allowed
Not available for business purchase
Commissioned work
Outsourced illustration work (when used by an individual rather than a team)
Driver activities such as fan art illustration
Group License
No limit to the number of people.
Single project registration (can only be used for 1 project)
Duplicate purchases available
General/business purchase is available
If you are working in a team.
→ Please purchase duplicate licenses for as many projects as you want, or use a joint unlimited license!
Group unlimited license
No limit on the number of people.
Register unlimited projects
No duplicate purchases allowed
Only available to business owners
This license removes the number of people limit from the existing joint license and can only be purchased by business owners.
Can be used by 1 person only
No project registration allowed
No usage period restrictions
No duplicate purchases allowed
What license should a freelancer purchase?
For commercial activities with revenue generated in the name of an individual,
Personal licenses are purchased and used by each member of the team (organization).
Purchase a Group License and share the license with team members (applicable to one project only).
However, if you want to use it for multiple projects
Purchase Personal licenses for each member of the team (organization) and use them individually.
Purchase and share a Group license for as many projects as you want.