
Package Terms and Conditions v1.0

Hello users. This is NEXT LEVEL Studio Inc. (hereinafter, the “Company”) that grows together with creators. These Terms and Conditions for Use of Package(hereinafter, “these Terms”) are intended to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the Company and the Member related to the use of Package provided by the “Company” on Pixelplus and other necessary matters. Please check the following before using Pixelplus Package.

1. Definitions

The terms used herein are defined as follows. However, for the terms not defined in separate terms and conditions, definitions in the Terms of Service or other separate terms and conditions shall apply:
"Package" means a service in which a seller bundles a number of products on a plan basis and sells them at a discounted price.
"Package plan" means the plan of the product included in the "Package".
"Additional file" means a file that the seller may provide specifically to the "package" buyer
"Start Date" means the sales start date of the "Package" set by the seller. Settings allow you to immediately start selling and schedule a sales start date.
"End Date" means the end date of sale of the "Package" set by the seller. Settings enable immediate end of sale and reservation of end of sale dates.
"Package Discount" means a discount offered to the buyer by selling the entire product included in the "Package" in batches.

2. 2. Operation of the “Package”

"Package" can only be composed of primary creative products.
"Package" is based on the plan of the product you sell. Only the same plan can be sold in one "Package"
Personal plan "Package": a "Package" that sells personal plans of products included in the "Package"
Group plan "Package": A "Package" that sells group plans of products included in the "Package"
Group Unlimited plan "Package": A "Package" that sells group unlimited plans of products included in the "Package"
Tutorial "Package": "Package" with only tutorial products in "Package"
The operation for the purchase of "Package" is as follows.
Duplicate purchases are possible only if "Package plan" is a group plan.
When purchasing a "Package", even if you have already purchased a plan for an individual product that cannot be purchased in duplicate, you can purchase it at the same price, and you can purchase it in duplicate for individuals, group plans, and tutorials.
Coupon is not available when purchasing "Package".
If the purchase of the purchased "Package" has not been confirmed for 14 days, the purchase will be confirmed automatically.
Partial cancellation of purchase of individual products is not possible for the purchased "Package".
If the purchase of the purchased "Package" is not confirmed, the purchase can be canceled within 14 days, and if the purchase is confirmed, the purchase cannot be canceled.
The operation of the "Package" sales is as follows.
Sellers can freely apply for the composition and sale of "Package" with their products.
When configuring a "Package", you can select "additional files" that are specifically provided only to those "Package" buyers.
When organizing a "Package", you can choose the products to be included in the "Package", select only the products with the selected plan, and consist of two or more products.
When configuring a "Package", you can register a new image that can represent the "Package".
When configuring a "Package", you can set the "start date" to set whether to sell immediately or start selling on a specific date.
When configuring a "Package", you can set the "end date" to set whether to end the sale on a specific date.
"Package Discount" can be set as a discount rate and discount price based on the total price of the goods included in the "Package", and can be set as a discount rate and discount price for each product included in the "Package".
If you apply after organizing the "Package", it can be sold if it is approved through the admin’s screening process.
The settlement fee for "Package" sales is the same as the settlement fee for existing primary products. At this time, the individual special fees for the included products and the individual special fees for the members do not apply.
Seller may consult with "Company" to discuss special fees on a "Package" basis.

3. Operation of the “Package” Screening

"Company" operates the screening of "Package" based on the following criteria.
The "Company" shall screen the information requested by the Seller for "Package" for at least a minimum ("Additional File", Representative Image, Package Description, etc.).
The "Company" may request changes to the information set by the Seller to help the Seller sell the "Package".
"Company" may reject any of the following items if found.
Irrelevant content of the product
Information on publicity and advertising that is not related to the product
Sexually offensive or harmful to users of all ages
Content that is harmful or illegal to the user
Content that is offensive to the user
Contents that infringe on the copyright and rights of others
Content that exposes other people's personal information
Other content deemed to be problematic in social norms or to cause problems in services operated by the "company"
Matters regarding the operation of the ”Package” not stipulated herein shall be in accordance with the Terms of Service, announcement, and the contents displayed on the service screen of Pixelplus.
🇺🇸 English
Terms and Conditions for Admission to Sell Products v1.0
🇺🇸 English
Individual Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions for Admission to Sell Products v1.0
🇺🇸 English
Individual Terms and Conditions