
Terms and Conditions for Use of GroupPurchase v1.0

Hello users. This is NEXT LEVEL Studio Inc. (hereinafter, the “Company”) that grows together with creators. These Terms and Conditions for Use of GroupPurchase (hereinafter, “these Terms”) are intended to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the Company and the Member related to the use of GroupPurchase provided by the “Company” on Pixelplus and other necessary matters. Please check the following before using Pixelplus GroupPurchase.

1. Definitions

The terms used herein are defined as follows. However, for the terms not defined in separate terms and conditions, definitions in the Terms of Service or other separate terms and conditions shall apply:
"GroupPurchase" refers a service that allows sellers to promote the sale of a product by setting up a "GroupPurchase period," "discount rate" and "targeted participants" for a particular product.
"GroupPurchase Period" refers the period during which "GroupPurchase" set by the seller is in progress.
"Participation" refers the act of participating in "GroupPurchase".
"Participant" refers a member who has participated in "GroupPurchase".
"Cancel" refers that "Participant" cancels "Participation".
"Discount Rate" refers the purchase discount rate offered to the "Participant" during the "GroupPurchase Period".
"Goal for the number of participants" refers that the seller sets a target for the number of "Participants" during the "GroupPurchase Period".
"Early bird" refers a service that provides "Number of Early Participants" with an additional discount rate (hereinafter, the "Early discount rate") added to the "discount rate".
“Number of Early Participants” refers an integer of 20% (no more than a decimal fraction) relative to the "Goal for the number of participants".
"Early Participant" refers each "Participant" who "Participation" from the initial "Participant" to "Number of Early Participants".
"Purchase Now" refers a service that allows you to purchase goods on the same basis as a general purchase without "Participation" in a "GroupPurchase" product.
"Goal achievement" refers "GroupPurchase" where "Participant" is equal to or exceeds "Goal for the number of participants" at the end of the "GroupPurchase Period".
"Goal Insufficient" refers "GroupPurchase" where "Participant" falls short of "Goal for the number of participants" at the end of the "GroupPurchase Period".
"Discontinued" refers when "GroupPurchase" is interrupted before "GroupPurchase Period" is closed due to the seller's request, etc.

2. Operation of the “GroupPurchase”

The "GroupPurchase" can be applied by the seller for the first creative product by setting the "GroupPurchase period", "Discount rate", "Goal for the number of participants", etc.
When the seller applies for "GroupPurchase", you can set whether to proceed with "Early bird" and "Purchase Now" together.
The seller's application for "GroupPurchase" will take place after the “Comapny”’s approval process and schedule discussion have been completed.
The seller can perform "GroupPurchase" several times for one product. However, it is not possible to proceed with the same product at the same time.
If 'GroupPurchase' is in progress, the seller cannot modify the product in progress. However, if it is inevitable to modify it, it can be modified through the “Company” after consulting with the “Company”. The “Company” should inform the "Participant" of the reasons and information for the modification.
Seller may not arbitrarily "Discontinued" if 'GroupPurchase' is in progress. However, if it is inevitable to "Discontinued", it can be stopped through the “Company” after consultation with the “Company”. The “Company” should inform the "Participant" of the reasons and information about the "Discontinued".
Buyer shall immediately settle the goods or store payment information for settlement, including consent to confirm the purchase of the "GroupPurchase" product upon "Participation".
"Participants" who have not paid immediately upon "Participation" may "Cancel" or change their payment information registered at the time of "Participation" up to -1 days before the "GroupPurchase Period" deadline.
Cash and coupons used by "Participant" for "Participation" will be used immediately, and cash and coupons used for "Cancel", "Goal Insurance" and "Discontinued" will be automatically canceled.
If payment is not made at the time of "Goal achievement" with "Participant" payment information, notify "Participant", try to pay with the same payment information for 7 days, and if payment is not successful by the 7th day after the "GroupPurchasePeriod" deadline, stop requesting further payment. The application of "Discount Rate" and benefits obtained by "Participant" as "Participation" will be cancelled (hereinafter, "Payment Failure Cancelled").
The settlement will be made to the seller except for the "Payment Failure Cancelled" amount of the settlement amount for "GroupPurchase".
If the payment of "Goal achievement" "GroupPurchase" is completed, "Participant" shall be deemed to have confirmed the purchase of the "GroupPurchase" product.
In the case of "Purchase Now", the buyer's confirmation of purchase after payment is treated on the same basis as the normal purchase.
The sum of "Participants" in "Early Participants" shall not exceed "Number of Early Participants" regardless of "Cancel" in "Early Participants".

3. Operation of the “GroupPurchase” Screening

"Company" conducts screening of "GroupPurchase" based on the following criteria.
"Company" will screen the minimum abnormality of the seller's information on "GroupPurchase".
"Company" may request changes to the information set by the Seller to help the Seller's "GroupPurchase".
"Company" may be rejected if any of the following items are found:
contents unrelated to the product
Information on publicity and advertising that is not related to the product.
sexually offensive or harmful to users of all ages
Content that is harmful or illegal to the user
Content that is offensive to the user
Content infringing on copyrights and rights of others
Contents of exposing other people's personal information
Other matters deemed to have problems in social norms or to cause problems in the services operated by the "Company"
Matters regarding the operation of the ”GroupPurchase” not stipulated herein shall be in accordance with the Terms of Service, announcement, and the contents displayed on the service screen of Pixelplus.
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Terms and Conditions for Admission to Sell Products v1.0
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Individual Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions for Admission to Sell Products v1.0
🇺🇸 English
Individual Terms and Conditions